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Team Honor Code


We Believe

...that exemplary behavior is just as important as technical expertise.


We Believe

...that excellence on and off the field cannot be achieved without excellent sportsmanship.


We Believe

...that we should honor the spirit of competition by competing as earnestly as possible, but while always balanced by fair play.


We Believe 

...that teammates, coaches, tournament officials, opponents, team members, and opponents coaches, should all be treated

with respect.


We Believe

...that opponents, or alliance partners, should be treated as we would like to be treated and is required for us to attain exemplary behavior.

Because of our beliefs, we pledge to conduct ourselves in the following fashion:

Disputes will be handled in a calm and civil manner. Disputes will be initiated and let by team members with adults interjecting only when necessary or asked.


We Will

...make every effort to be present at all matches, and are aware that arriving for matches on time is solely our responsibility. We will never leave an alliance partner to play the match alone, without us present. 


We Understand

...that the adults on our team, be they mentors or coaches, are never to work on, or program, our robot during a tournament. All students understand that success or failure is theirs and theirs alone. An appearance of impropriety is to be removed and avoided by both adult and student conduct.


We Will

...never collude to throw a match, as this is a deep insult to our alliance partner and our team. “Winning” in this way is not really winning at all. One cannot truly win while at the same time sacrificing their character. We will always do our best on the field. 


We Understand

...that no Honor Code can cover every behavior, but will always strive to treat others, as we would like to be treated.


We Understand

...that this Honor Code sets a very high bar of personal behavior and embrace it willingly. We will strive to behave consistently with these ideals. As such, we have all signed below, both adults and students, to attest the ideals of this Honor Code.



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